Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm Not Ignoring You

I'm really not! But The Same Old Story, my 500-words a day novel, now stands at about 68,000 words (4,000 written just today; it speeds up when you're getting near the end) and I can see the big, bright light at the end of the tunnel, three, maybe four chapters away. I've gotten just a tad consumed, but I'll be back in the next few days with something piping hot and new from the novel. By then, I hope to have the complete first draft manuscript in the hands of a few trusted friends and readers as well as an agent.

In the meantime, the fifth installment of my bi-weekly column, Capes, Cowls & Costumes went up this morning, so please click on over there and have a look. This time around, I look at some novels based on British comic book characters.

Alrighty! Enough idle chit-chat...I'm goin' back in! Wish me luck.

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